Placing an Order:

How can I get shipping cost?
Base on selected products and buyer address you can see low shipping fees within the contiguous United States that is calculated during check out in the last step. In order to see shipping cost you do not have to complete your purchase.

International Shipping
Unfortunately, We do not ship out of USA.

How do I get my order faster?
If you’d like to receive faster shipping, simply add faster shipping option to your cart and proceed to the Checkout or please call us at +1 888-559-0888 so we can give you other faster options as well.

What are my payment choices?
Currently we accept major credit cards and PayPal.

When will my order ship?
All orders are processed and shipped within 2-3business days after they are placed. Once you placed the order you will receive confirmation e-mail and your tracking number will be on the same e-mail.

Privacy Policy
Please review our privacy policy.

This website is protected with SSL (secure socket layer) encryption, the highest standard in Internet security.

What if I received the wrong product?
If you feel that you have received the wrong product, please contact customer service within 48 hours of receiving the product.

How do I return my product?
Please check our shipping and return policy for more information on returning an item.